‘paula’ & Work: A Document on the Machinic Enslavement in Academic Capitalism

“‘paula’ & Work: A Document on the Machinic Enslavement in Academic Capitalism 2023-24” is an exhibition by paula roush, at Borough Road Gallery, London South Bank University. Join us for the preview of the publication-installation on Tuesday, May 7, 6-9pm, and artist’s talk “Ai Disruption: AI, Education, and Algorithms of …

Affective Attunement within Virtual Ecologies – Teodora Sinziana Alata

CSNI researcher Teodora Sinziana Alata is presenting a paper titled “Affective Attunement within Virtual Ecologies: Immersive Worlding as Posthuman Storytelling Practice”, on 25th April, as part of the Politics of the Machines 2024 conference in Aachen, Germany, which reflects on game engines as software infrastructures, worlding with reality media, speculative storytelling, …

Workshop & Seminar at Aarhus University

The workshop “University as Infrastructure” will take place on Tuesday 16 April 2024, 09:30 – 12:30, at AIAS (Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies), Aarhus Unversity, Denmark. We will collaboratively diagram the data and software systems on which all Universities have become dependent. More details and to register, at https://aias.au.dk/events/show/artikel/workshop-university-as-infrastructure.…

Critical Infrastructures and Image Politics

Join us on Wednesday 06 March 2024, 15.00-17.00, at LSBU (BR-230, Borough Road, LSBU) for our research event with Alexandra Anikina and Stephen Cornford (Winchester School of Art) who will present Critical Infrastructures and Image Politics. (This was postponed from late 2023.)

Critical Infrastructures and Image Politics is a newly …

A.I. Disruption – presentation and workshop with paula roush

Presentation and workshop by paula roush at the Photobook Week Aarhus, this year under the theme Future Revisited, to shape a new discourse around things such as Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence. Full details can be found at https://photobookweek.org/updates/pwa-ai-workshop-program/.

Online presentation + Q&A: “A.I. Disruption: Exploring Experimental Photobook Publishing with …

Interlacing documentation and critical analysis of online art – online talk/discussion

Join us online (https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/82837559868) on Friday 20 October at 10.00 (UK time/11.00 CET) for a talk by Inge Hinterwaldner, “Interlacing documentation and critical analysis of online art – problem or chance? A demo with model building and assembling”. This is a joint event with the Networked Images research

Carrier Bag Fictions – exhibition by Mateus Domingos

“Carrier Bag Fictions” is an exhibition by CSNI researcher Mateus Domingos, and runs from 2 September to 28 October 2023, at Modern Painters, New Decorators, Loughborough, UK.

“Carrier Bag Fictions” features textiles, drawings and text inspired by Loughborough’s Luddite history. In the 19th Century, technology transformed the work of textile workers. …