Machine Vision’s Visions, roundtable discussion

Machine Vision’s Visions, roundtable discussion
Wednesday 17 February, 19:00 London / 20:00 Berlin / 14:00 NYC
Participants: Peter Bell, Tega Brain, Leonardo Impett, Fabian Offert

Register via this link.

The project Curating Photography in the Networked Image Economy studies the networked image and its various intersections with curating, and has been …

ISEA workshop blog: ‘Caring networks: reframing preservation within networked art practices’ by Lozana Rossenova

Organizers Sarah Cook and Roddy Hunter were joined by artists, curators, archivists and an international group of graduate students to jointly investigate the question of preserving networked art practices during the ISEA 2020 virtual conference. The organizers conceived of such practices in a broad sense, spanning beyond art on the …

Christopher Kulendran Thomas and Annika Kuhlman

The COVID-19 pandemic has been yet another turning point in the history of the internet and our reliance upon it. Galleries and arts institutions are looking anew at how we might use technology for expanded curatorial methodologies. This screening and discussion with the artists takes Christopher Kulendran Thomas and Annika Kuhlmann’s film installation Being Human

Screen walks

CSNI partner institutions Fotomuseum Winterthur and The Photographers’ Gallery have invited selected artists to perform guided explorations of specific online and digital spaces in which their core artistic research and practice takes place. Each video stream is conceived as a format blurring the boundaries between a guided tour and a …