Peripheral Forms

Garrett Lynch @ #performingself
February 2016

The Degree to which a Representation Resembles the Object it Represents is a Function of Resolution and Does not Bear on the Denotation of the Word by Garrett Lynch (since 2012).

Garrett Lynch uses the ‘virtual’ world of Second Life as a staging point for work dealing with identity, representation and place. Within the ‘virtual’ world the artist’s representation wears a sandwich board stating “I’m Garrett Lynch (IRL)”, a reference to the performance work Trouser – Word Piece (1972-1989) by Keith Arnatt. The boards statement is both an abbreviation of the artist’s national identity (Ireland) and an acronym for ‘real’ location (In Real Life), that which is outside of the ‘virtual’.

Since the start of 2012 Lynch has performed with a ‘real’ scaled replica, a wearable art object, of the sandwich board. These performances continue to refer to Arnatt’s original performance which discuss what is ‘real’ however also refer to the artist’s ‘virtual’ performances which discuss the ‘real’ in relation to the ‘virtual’.

Performances occur unannounced and often implicate bystanders. Locations are chosen for their relation to ideas of representation of identity and the body as depicted or explored in:

  1. Western art (i.e. classic to abstract representations of identity / the body, places of representation such as art galleries etc.);
  2. Western philosophy (i.e. locations associated with thinkers of representation, identity etc.).