CSNI associate researchers Adam Brown and Alan Warburton, along with the game designer Tabea Iseli, were this year’s winning team of the P3: Post-Photography Prototyping Prize! Brown, Warburton and Iseli worked under the theme of ‘Generative Photography’ and created the prototyping project Freezing the Photographer.
The Post-Photography Prototyping Prize (P3) is a biennial prize that supports artists, creative technologists and researchers questioning the changing role of photographic media.
In 2018, the second edition of the P3 encouraged interdisciplinarity and collaboration, bringing artists, technologists and researchers together to address specific issues that underlie the changes in contemporary photographic culture. Academics, visual artists and creative coders joined forces to reflect on social and technological transformations within current image production, distribution and consumption.
The finalists met physical in London on 14 May 2018, where they had only one day to collaboratively create prototypes that critically, playfully and provocatively engage with the designated themes. On 15 May 2018 the teams presented the result of their efforts in front of the public and the jury.
You can watch the keynote by Johanna Zylinska and the finalists’ presentations, here.
The prize is a collaboration of Fotomuseum Winterthur with the Julius Baer Foundation and was supported by The Photographers’ Gallery in London.