‘Mourning Money’ symposium by UKK

The CSNI PhD researcher Victoria Ivanova took part in the programme ‘Mourning Money’ organised by UKK (Organisation for Artists and Curators in Denmark) at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Visual Arts in Copenhagen. Ivanova contributed to the panel ‘MACRO’ on the 18th of January 2019 along with Kei Kreutler and Helen Hester.

MACRO discussed organisations operating at the macro scale of the field of art. Examples include unions, interest organisations (BKF, UKK, UKS), pension funds (Artist Pension Trust), mission-driven organisations (W.A.G.E.), global financial actors (Deloitte, Athena Art Finance), financial technology startups (Maecenas, Codex Protocol), blue-chip galleries (Gagosian), startups (Artsy), private foundations and national art foundations. The panelists explored what diverging functions and purposes such initiatives can have, why it is important to develop organisations at the macroscale right now, and what the criteria by which to assess their capabilities and limitations can be.
Find out more details about the programme, here.