Web Choreographies

Performance/website launch with Joana Chicau, 17.00 on 2nd March, at Borough Road Gallery, London South Bank University, as part of CSNI research day. All welcome.

Web Choreographies is an assemblage of live coded visual experiments performed in the web browser. This performance is part of an on-going research on how design and web-based computational systems can be used to construct new scenarios, imaginaries and hypotheses guided by choreographic concepts. By privileging open source tools and investigation through feminist lens, Joana Chicau combines real-time algorithmic composition and movement studies to rethink the vocabularies, protocols, modes of participation and conditions for the affective interfacing of bodies and technologies.

Joana Chicau is a designer and researcher — with a background in dance. She researches the intersection of the body with the designed and programmed environment, aiming at widening the ways in which digital sciences is presented and made accessible to the public. The latter informs a practice and exploration of various forms and formats — interweaving web programming with choreography — from the making of online platforms to performances and workshops. She has been participating and co-organizing events involving collaborative coding, algorithmic improvisation, open discussions on digital equity and activism. Chicau is a member of the collective Varia.zone and a lecturer at the University of Arts of London.

Image credit: Marco De Swart.