CSNI researcher Kendal Beynon has published a chapter in From Net, City, World to Cloud, Market, Sea: Metaphors of the Internet. The book investigates how we narrate and imagine the internet with the help of metaphors. Net stands for the connections between computers and users; city conceives cyberspace as an urban and social site; world allows for utopias beyond the laws of physics and politics; cloud marks the internet as an ephemeral and decentralized technology; market zeroes in on the commercialization of the web and its economy; and sea opens up the metaphor of water, from surfing and navigating to the vast ocean of data.
From Net, City, World to Cloud, Market, Sea is a project by Zentrum für Netzkunst e.V. and funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
Concept and Editing: Tereza Havlíková, Julia Kochanek, Anneliese Ostertag
Visual Concept, Design, and Image Editing: Judith Weber
Texts and Contributions: Kendal Beynon, Matthias Bickenbach, Joachim Blank, Andreas Bülhoff, Mathias Denecke, Tim Etchells, Orit Gat, Omar Kasmani, Olia Lialina, Geert Lovink, Harun Maye, Cassie McQuater, OMSK Social Club, Evan Roth, Mario Santamaría, Afrah Shafiq, Andrea Sick, Molly Soda, Julian Stallabrass, Lotte Warnsholdt
Copy Editing, Proofreading, and Translation: Diana Thun
Project Management: Elfi Rückert
ISBN 978-3-95476-693-2
November 2024