CSNI researchers publish books, book chapters, journal articles, conference papers and talks, and act as series editors for DATA browser books (Open Humanities Press), The Contemporary Condition books (Sternberg Press), the open access online journal APRJA (Aarhus University and transmediale festival for art and digital culture), and provide support for the Unthinking Photography platform of The Photographers’ Gallery. More information about research outputs of members can be found at https://openresearch.lsbu.ac.uk/.
Recent/selected publications include:
Blackwell, Alan, Emma Cocker, Geoff Cox, Alex McLean, and Thor Magnusson. 2022 (upcoming). Live Coding: A Users’ Manual. MIT Press.
Dewdney, Andrew, and Katrina Sluis, eds. 2022. The Networked Image in Post-Digital Culture. Routledge.
Outta AI: Report on Creative AI. 2022 (CSNI for Outtallectuals, as part of ACE-IT European Regional Development Funded Project).
Dekker, Annet, and Gabriella Giannachi, eds. forthcoming 2022. Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices. Routledge.
Dewdney, Andrew. 2021. Forget Photography: The Image in Network Culture. London: Goldsmiths Press.
Dekker, Annet, ed. 2021. Curating Digital Art. From Presenting and Collecting Digital Art to Networked Co-Curation. Valiz.
CSNI (Geoff Cox, Annet Dekker, Andrew Dewdney, and Katrina Sluis). 2021. “Affordances of the Networked Image.” The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics Vol. 30 No. 61-62 (2021): The Changing Ontology of the Image.
Azar, Mitra, Geoff Cox, and Leonardo Impett. 2021. “Introduction: ways of machine seeing.” Editorial. AI & Society (Special issue: Ways of Machine Seeing), Springer-Nature.
Anikina, Alex. 2020. “Algorithmic Superstructuring: aesthetic regime of algorithmic governance.” Transformations, issue 34.
Soon, Winnie, and Geoff Cox. 2020. Aesthetic Programming: A Handbook of Software Studies. London: Open Humanities Press.
Malevé, Nicolas. 2020. “On the data set’s ruins.” AI & Society (Special issue: Ways of Machine Seeing), Springer.
2020. The Justice Syndicate: how interactive theatre provides a window into jury decision making and the public understanding of law, Law and Humanities, 14:2, 212-243
Dewdney, Andrew. 2019. “The Distributed Museum: The flight of cultural authority and the multiple times and spaces of the art museum.” In: International Handbook in New Digital Practices in Galleries, edited by Lewi, H, Smith, W, Cooke, S and von Lehn, D. Libraries Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites, New York: Routledge.
Barok, Dušan, Julie Boschat Thorez, Annet Dekker, David Gauthier & ClaudiaRoeck. 2019. “Archiving complex digital artworks.” Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 42:2, 94-113.
Dekker, Annet, and Gaia Tedone. 2019. Practice & Challenges of Networked Co-Curation. Arts (Special issue: Art Curation: Challenges in the Digital Age) 8(3), 86.
Cox, Geoff, Ryan Nolan, Andrew Prior. 2019. “The Crackle of Contemporaneity.” In Futures of the Contemporary: Contemporaneity, Untimeliness, and Artistic Research, edited by Paulo de Assis and Michael Schwab. Leuven: Orpheus Institute Series – Leuven University Press, pp. 97-114.
Dekker, Annet. 2018. Collecting and Conserving Net Art: Moving Beyond Conventional Methods, London: Routledge.
Cox, Geoff, and Morten Riis. 2018. “(Micro) Politics of Algorithmic Music: Towards a Tactical Media Archaeology.” In The Oxford Handbook on Algorithmic Music, edited by Alex McLean and Roger Dean, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dewdney, Andrew. 2017. “Art Museum Knowledge and the Crisis of Representation.” In: Representing Art Education: On the Representation of Pedagogical work in the Art Field, edited by Carmen Mörsch, Sigrid Schade & Sophie Vögele. Bécs: Zaglossus Verlag.
Walsh, Victoria, and Andrew Dewdney. 2017. “Temporal Conflicts and the Purification of Hybrids: Tate, a case in point.” Stedelijk Studies (Curating the Collection), 5 (5).
Cox, Geoff. 2017. “Runtime Exception().” In Executing Practices, edited by Helen Pritchard, Eric Snodgrass & Magda Tyźlik-Carver. Data Browser 06, London: Open Humanities Press.
Cox, Geoff and Jacob Lund. 2016. The Contemporary Condition: Introductory Thoughts on Contemporaneity and Contemporary Art. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 48pp.
Dekker, Annet. 2016. “Enabling a Future, or how to survive FOREVER.” In: A Companion to Digital Art, edited by Christiane Paul. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
Dekker, Annet. 2016. “Tracing authenticity in the computational age.” In: Authenticity in Transition, edited by Erma Hermens and Frances Robertson. London: Archetype Publications.
Sluis, Katrina. 2016. “Desperately Seeking Audience: Analytics in the 21st Century Museum.” In: Rhizome: 20 Years of the Born Digital Art Institution, edited by Z. Kaplan and O. Gat. New York: Sternberg Press.
Sluis, Katrina. 2016. “Beyond Representation? The database-driven image and the non-human spectator.” In: The Blackwell Companion to Photography, edited by S. Bull. London: Wiley-Blackwell.
Sluis, Katrina. 2016. “From Object to Process in the Image Database.” In: Lost and Living (in) Archives, edited by Annet Dekker. Amsterdam: Valiz.
Cox, Geoff. 2015. “Postscript on the post-digital and the problem of temporality.” In: Postdigital Aesthetics: Art, Computation and Design, edited by David M. Berry & Michael Dieter. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Cox, Geoff, and Alex McLean. 2014. “Not Just for Fun.” In: Fun and Software: Exploring Pleasure, Pain and Paradox in Computing, edited by Olga Goriunova. London: Bloomsbury.
Museum of Ordure. 2014. 01.01.CM, Collection of Museum of Ordure. Aarhus: Antipyrine, 272pp.
Cox, Geoff, and Alex McLean, with Franco Berardi Bifo. 2013. Speaking Code: Coding as Aesthetic and Political Expression. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 168pp.